We are located in south Port Orchard off of Lake Helena. Because my wife and I work day jobs until this gets off the ground, we see customers for free consultations or merchandise pickup BY APPOINTMENT ONLY . We have a gated entrance and that gate will be open when we are available or conducting business. Please respect our privacy by:

  • Scheduling an appointment  (weekend appointments are preferred or late afternoon on weekdays, no later than 6 p.m.)
  • Showing up on time for your appointment
  • Letting us know if you will be late or cancelling your appointment

Thank you for your consideration. We are building this business to keep us (mainly me) occupied during retirement and that pesky day job thing has to come first for a bit. If you have a beekeeping emergency and need something very quickly, call me anytime and I'll move things around as necessary to meet your needs.

Let us help you bee successful!


Safety and Abuse Reporting

Thanks for being awesome!

We appreciate you contacting us. Our support will get back in touch with you soon!

Have a great day!

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Please note that your query will be processed only if we find it relevant. Rest all requests will be ignored. If you need help with the website, please login to your dashboard and connect to support